Hiram H. Cottom

From "Biographical and Protrait Cyclopedia of Fayette County Pennsylvania by Gresham 1889"

Hiram Cottom, one of Lower Tyrone's leading merchants is the son of Samuel and Elizabeth(Shallenberger) Cottom and was born in Franklin Township, January 18, 1849.

William Cottom was a farmer of Lower Tyrone and noted for strickly attending his own business. He was a Methodist and died at the age of eighty six years. One of his sons, Samuel Cottom, was born in Rostravor township, Westmoreland county, Pa., and married Elizabeth Shallenberger. He is now a substantial farmer in Lower Tyrone.

He is a democrat, and has served several terms as school director. His wife was born in 1807, and died in 1867.

Hiram Cottom was brought by his parents to lower Tyrone township in 1854, was there educated in the common schools, and a commercial school at Uniontown. At fourteen years of age, he engaged as a clerk in the store with G. W. Anderson, and remained with him thirteen years.

In 1876, he purchased Mr. Anderson's property and stock of goods, and is now engaged in general merchandising. He improved the property and built two large store-rooms. He carries a large and completly assorted stock of goods, and has a full line of everything needed in a first class general store.

He was married in 1874 to Miss Cordelia, daughter of G. W. Anderson. To their union have been born four children, George W.A., born November 13, 1875, died March 24, 1887; Bessie K., born May 11, 1880, died March 22 1887; Lela born September 10, 1885 died March 25, 1887, and Stewart Cottom, born February 26, 1888.

Mr. Cottom is an active and influential democrat; has served one term as township auditor, and two terms as school director. He is a man of marked ability, well merits, and fully deserves the confidence reposed in him by the business public.

Notes: Bessie, George W.A. and Lelia all died within a 6 day period and are buried in the Bryan Cemetary in Dawson, PA

[Cottom Family] [Goodge Family] [Bryan TREE] [Bryan Family History]

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